Steelman Horseshoeing Shop

Although the horse shoeing shop of Mr. Steelman’s at 112 North Main St. has only been established one year, it is already well known and enjoys its full share of patronage from this city and vicinity. The owners of good horses know that the work turned out here is correct and the shoes are fitted in a manner that makes traveling easier and hoofs more lasting. Three expert horse shoers are employed, who cater to the every desire of the patrons and specialize satisfactory work on every animal entrusted to their care. Mr. H. J. Steelman, the proprietor of this shop was born and raised in this city and while he is only twenty years of age, and possibly the youngest proprietor of such an establishment, he is thoroughly conversant with this line. He is a member of the Knights & Ladies of Security and Knights of Columbus. He is also a member of the Catholic church.

Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10

Name of Business: Steelman Horseshoeing Shop

Current Address: 112 N Main

Date Business Began: 1908

Persons: Steelman, H. J.

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